

This driver is design to allow communication with the VA520 via the ezeio's Modbus RTU serial port.

Name - The name is up to the user. Our suggestion is to choose a naming convention that makes the viewing the device list intuitive. Such as referring to the sensor and/or application. Keep the name short as it will be combined with the register name to create the default “Field” name (if added to “Fields”)

Active Check box - Check this box and “Save changes” to run the driver. The driver program can be suspended by unchecking the box and clicking on “Save changes”.

User Notes - This space can be used to store information specific to the device and your application, such as: location, wiring, scaling, etc.

eze System Notes - In this space we provide: wiring instructions, product image, product details.

Modbus address -

Device Status

Driver info - Typically this is the name from the program file

Driver updated/version - Date loaded or updated and the version of the driver

Battery & Signal - Signal indicates the progress through the script. If driver fails to operate, signal number indicates progress

Driver status - Color and text of status bubbles give a quick visual reference of Communication, Operation, and Application

Communication - Com count indicates number of successful and unsuccessful data packets received

Available registers

Flow - Registers 1 through 15 offer current flow in various volumes and weights per second, minute and hour. These include cubic meters, normal cubic meters, liters, normal liters, cubic feet, normal cubic feet, and kilograms.

Volume/Total - Registers 16 through 22 offer totalized volumes in cubic meters, normal cubic meters, liters, normal liters, cubic feet, normal cubic feet and also in kilograms.

Velocity - Registers 23 through 26 offer current velocity measurements in meters per second (m/s), normal meters per second (Nm/s), cubic feet per minute (cfm) and Normal cubic feet per minute (Ncfm).

Temperature - Registers 27 and 28 provide median temperature readings in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

  • ezeio2/drivers/doc/cs_va520.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-05-23 15:25
  • by johpar