Apogee SP-522 driver
The SP-522-SS is an upward-looking thermopile pyranometer with a digital signal using Modbus RTU protocol over RS-232 or RS-485. The sensor incorporates a blackbody thermopile detector and acrylic diffuser with a rugged, self-cleaning sensor housing design, and high-quality cable terminating in pre-tinned pigtail leads for easy connection to dataloggers and controllers.
Settings (center panel)
Name - The name is up to the user. Our suggestion is to choose a naming convention that makes the viewing the device list intuitive. Such as referring to the sensor and/or application. Keep the name short as it will be combined with the register name to create the default “Field” name (if added to “Fields”)
Active Check box - Check this box and “Save changes” to run the driver. The driver program can be suspended by unchecking the box and clicking on “Save changes”.
User Notes - This space can be used to store information specific to the device and your application, such as: location, wiring, scaling, etc.
eze System Notes - In this space we provide: wiring instructions, product image, product details.
Modbus address - Enter the unique Modbus address (device ID) of the sensor.
Heater ON below (C) - Enter the temperature below which the sensors heater will turn on.
Sensor temp (C) field number - Use the drop-down menu to select the temperature Field used by the sensor.
Dewpoint (C) field number - Use the drop-down menu to select the Dewpoint Field used by the sensor.
Status & Registers (right panel)
Device Status
Driver info - Typically this is the name from the program file
Driver updated/version - Date loaded or updated and the version of the driver
Battery & Signal - Signal indicates the progress through the script. If driver fails to operate, signal number indicates progress
Driver status - Color and text of status bubbles give a quick visual reference of Communication, Operation, and Application
Communication - Com count indicates number of successful and unsuccessful data packets received
Available registers
- Solar Radiation - Radiation value in Watts per square meter.
- Raw millivolt - Raw electrical output signal in millivolts.
- Sensor temperature (external) - External sensor reading used by sensor
- Heater - State of heater (on/off)
- Dewpoint (external) - External sensor reading used by sensor (selected in driver config)