
This is an old revision of the document!

The following operators are supported in expressions:

Operator Name Description Example usage
+ Addition Adds two numbers 5+PI (8.14159..)
- Subtraction Subtracts a number from another Year()-2000 (19)
* Multiplication Multiplies two numbers 4*7 (28)
/ Division Divides a number with another 67/10 (6.7)
^ Exponent Raises a number to a power 10^3 (1000)
% Modulus Divides a number with another and return the reminder 2345%100 (45)
& Binary AND Binary AND 14&7 (6)
| Binary OR Binary OR 14|7 (15)
# Binary XOR Binary Exclusive OR 14#7 (9)
~ Binary complement Binary Complement ~160 (95)
  • ezeio2/expref/operators.1560559702.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019-06-15 00:48
  • by andreh