
Manufacturer: Generac
Product: NOC module
Model: OK4929
Class: CORE
Updated: 2024-11-13


1Utility power loss.ON (100) if no AC power
2Low fuel.ON (100) when fuel is low
3Gen fail.ON (100) when failure indicated
4Gen running.ON (100) when generator is running
5Wire fault.ON (100) when wire fault detected
6ResistanceOhmRaw resistance reading


Custom relay decoder board for Generac genset alarm outputs.
Decodes four Normally Closed relay contacts into individual statuses and generates an alert that can be optionally sent to a distribution list.

Shows AppError on AC loss / Fuel low / Gen fail.
Shows CommError on wiring fault.

  • ezeio2/driverdetail.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-05-07 23:25
  • by andreh