
Manufacturer: RVA
Product: GreenBOX
Model: LS9
Class: CORE
Updated: 2025-02-28


1Photocell/Power fail
2Beacon fail
3Marker fail
4PEC mode
5Wire fault


Relay decoder board for GreenBox tower warning light control unit.
Plugs into the LS9 controller and connects to a single analog input on the ezeio system.

Four relays are individually decoded:
- Photocell/power fail
- Beacon fail
- Marker fail
- PEC mode
Additionally, if the wiring to the board is compromized (short or open), a fault is shown.

Connect to ezeio input and 0V.

  • ezeio2/driverdetail.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-05-07 23:25
  • by andreh