
Manufacturer: eze System
Class: CORE
Updated: 2023-10-26


1Temp outside°C
2Temp inside 1°C
3Temp inside 2°C
4Window open timers
5Motion detect timers
6Button timers
7Heater 1 status.
8Heater 2 status.
9Local timeHHMMSS
10Current setpoint°C


Heating and Lighting control in eg construction shed/containers. 

Temperature setpoints for home and away.
- Schedule controls home or away status.
- Pushbutton input allows temporarily switching to home status.
- Two temperature sensors controls two independent heater outputs.
- Window open input overrides (shut off) heating.
- Motion sensor control light output for 5 minutes.
- Separate input for outside temperature (monitor only).

  • ezeio2/driverdetail.txt
  • Last modified: 2024-05-07 23:25
  • by andreh