Table of Contents

Soil Tension Widget


The Soil Tension Measurement widget displays pressure readings from analog tensiometers (with up to 3 depth reading), via the Soil Tensiometer driver. Historic values are graphed and numeric values are display the most recent values.

Features / Options

General Dashboard and Widget info

Features common to all Widgets and general Dashboard info can be found in the HotSpot widget section of the manual.

Widget Editor Settings

Widget name

Appears top and center of widget.

Select Device

The “Select Device” drop-down-menu will list all the ezeio controllers with Soil Tensiometer drivers in the group the dashboard is on and any groups lower on the same branch of the group tree. Select the desired controller to map the soil tension data to the widget.

All relevant registers from the driver must be added to Fields

Crawl time line

Move your cursor left to right within the graph and details from the three data points will appear in a caption box.

Select graph span

In the upper right of each graph a selection can be made for Month, Week or 24 hour time span. The default setting is 24 hours. If changed, the setting will revert to default with the widget reloads