Table of Contents

Manage Users

A “user” is simply a person that access the ezeio system. Every user is primarily identified by his/her email address. Each user is assigned privileges suitable for the role of the user. For example, an administrator may be able to add new users, assign privileges and manage service payments, a technician may be able to change configuration of devices, while a read-only user may only be able to view data but have no ability to alter configuration or control.

Each person accessing the ezeio system should have a personal login.

Each user will use a personal email address and a password to access the system. For added security there is also the option to use multi-factor authentication.

Select “strong” passcodes with a minimum of eight characters, digits and special characters. Do not use regular words or combinations that are easy to guess.

The list of users with access to a specific group/account is shown on the Manage Users screen. Access Manage Users from the bottom of the Group Settings screen.

Account creation and first user

The first user to register a controller for your organization will automatically receive all privileges. This will also automatically create a group and mark this group as the “Account”. Account groups are shows in bold in the group tree, and cannot be deleted or moved the same way a normal group can. Also, the Account must always have a user associated with it, which happens automatically when the account group is created.

Adding a new user

To add a new user, first select the group in the tree to the left. The new user will only be able to access the selected group and any groups below the group where the user is added.

Click the button Invite User at the bottom of the screen, and be sure to enter the correct email address, as well as set the desired privileges for the user.

The new user will receive an email with instructions on how to confirm the invitation. You will also receive an email when the user has confirmed the invite.

Forgot passcode

Should a user forget the passcode, simply use the “Forgot Password?” link on the log-in screen. This will ask the user to enter their email address, and send instructions to this address for how to reset the password.

If the user has also forgot the email address, we recommend contacting an administrator of your ezeio account.

If you are and administrator and forget your email address, please contact eze System.

Note that passcodes are not stored in the ezeio system, and eze System can't extract any information about the passcode.

User settings

Each user has the following settings:

Email Address This is the email address used to log in. It can not be changed.
First Name User's first name
Last Name User's surname
Phone User's direct phone number. If Multi-factor log in is enables, this must be a cellphone capable of receiving SMS
Company User's organization
Receive Communication Alerts Select if this user should receive messages about expiring services and communication status messages
Multi-Factor log in method Select if this user shall use SMS verification to log in
Privileges The privileges assigned to this user (see below)

If multi-factor log in is selected, make sure the phone number is valid, and starts with country code.
Examples :
US: 18885555555
AU: 61411112222
SE: 46705123456
Failure to enter a valid phone number will prevent you from logging in


The privilege settings controls what functions are available to each user, in each group.
Typically the privileges are inherited from the top group where the user has access, so that the user has the same privileges in all the groups. It is possible to add or remove privileges in sub-groups, but typically this is adding unnecessary complexity for the administrator. We recommend starting simple by leaving privileges inherited in all sub-groups.


Can view group Required to allow the user to see the group
Can view ezeio in group Allows the user to view (not change) configuration settings
Can view other users Allows user to see other users
Can view script Allows viewing (not changing) script code
Can manage services Allows adding/disabling and paying for services
Can send control commands Allows the user to send control commands and change real-time field values
Can edit group Required to change any setting in the group
Can edit ezeio in group Allows the user to change configuration
Can edit other users Allows the user to change settings for others and invite new users
Can edit script Allows user to change the script code for controllers
Can edit dashboards and widgets Allows user to add/change dashboards and widgets (if Dashboard settings allow editing)
Can add/change destinations Allows user to add/change alarm destinations

If a privilege is not shown, it means you do not have access to it.

Note that some privileges have prerequisites. For example, a user with “Can add/change destinations” will not be able to do that unless the same user is also allowed the “Can edit group” privilege.

Please consider the effects of allowing privileges to each user, and only enable features to trusted users.