The following operators are supported in expressions:
Operator | Name | Description | Example usage |
+ | Addition | Adds two numbers | 5+PI (8.14159..) |
- | Subtraction | Subtracts a number from another | Year()-2000 (19) |
* | Multiplication | Multiplies two numbers | 4*7 (28) |
/ | Division | Divides a number with another | 67/10 (6.7) |
^ | Exponent | Raises a number to a power | 10^3 (1000) |
% | Modulus | Remainder of division | 2345%100 (45) |
& | Binary AND | Binary AND | 14&7 (6) |
| | Binary OR | Binary OR | 14|7 (15) |
# | Binary XOR | Binary Exclusive OR | 14#7 (9) |
~ | Binary complement | Binary Complement | ~160 (95) |
> | Greater than | Logical compare | 10>9 (1) |
< | Less than | Logical compare | 10<9 (0) |
>= | Greater than or equal | Logical compare | 10>=9 (1) |
<= | Less than or equal | Logical compare | 10<=9 (0) |
== | Equal to | Logical compare | 10==9 (0) |
&& | Logical AND | Logical AND | 10&&9 (1) |
|| | Logical OR | Logical OR | 10||9 (1) |
! | Logical NOT | Logical invert | !(10==9) (1) |
!! | Make boolean | Forces result to be boolean | !!8 (1) |
E | 10th power | Raise to 10th power | 3.14E3 (3140) |
PI | π | Constant Pi | PI (3.14159…) |
E | e | Natural Logarithm | E (2.71828…) |
? : | Conditional | (C)?(X):(Y) If C is true then X, else Y | (f(3)>100)?(f(4)):(f(5)) |