Table of Contents

PID control driver

Configuration settings (center panel)


Single sensor input, single process variable output Adjustable process speed, P/I/D and polarity

Configuration settings (center panel)

Name - The name is up to the user. Our suggestion is to choose a naming convention that makes the viewing the device list intuitive. Such as referring to the sensor and/or application. Keep the name short as it will be combined with the register name to create the default “Field” name (if added to “Fields”)

Active Check box - Check this box and “Save changes” to run the driver. The driver program can be suspended by unchecking the box and clicking on “Save changes”.

Notes - This space can be used to store information specific to the device, such as: location, wiring, scaling, etc.

Setpoint min / max - Constrains the setpoint

Feedback sensor Field - Drop down menu lists all configured Fields. Select one to be used as the feedback for the PID loop.

Feedback min / max - Constrains the range of the value supplied by the feedback sensor's “Field”.

Output (PV) Field - Drop down menu lists all configured Fields. Select one to be used as the output for the PID loop.

Output min / max - Constrains the signal sent to the output

Proportional (PV) - Proportional factor

Integral (I) - Integral factor

Derivative (D) - Derivative factor

I-term min / max - Constrains the cumulative effect of the “Integral” factor.

Update speed (seconds) - Computation speed

Status & Registers (right panel)

Device Status

Driver info - Typically this is the name from the program file

Driver updated/version - Date loaded or updated and the version of the driver

Battery & Signal - Signal indicates the progress through the script. If driver fails to operate, signal number indicates progress

Driver status - Color and text of status bubbles give a quick visual reference of Communication, Operation, and Application

Communication - Com count indicates number of successful and unsuccessful data packets received

Available registers

1 Setpoint
2 Sensor (feedback)
3 Output (PV)