==== UpdateDeviceStatus ====
Update the status of a given device
=== Description ===
UpdateDeviceStatus( deviceno, commStatus, opStatus, appStatus, signal, voltage )
Updates the device status.
=== Parameters ===
| ''deviceno'' | Device number to request status from (or 0 for all devices) |
| ''commStatus'' | Communication status, one of: \\ DS_COM_UNKNOWN \\ DS_COM_ERROR \\ DS_COM_ISSUE \\ DS_COM_OK \\ DS_COM_BEST |
| ''opStatus'' | Operational status, one of: \\ DS_OP_UNKNOWN \\ DS_OP_ERROR \\ DS_OP_PART \\ DS_OP_FULL |
| ''appStatus'' | Application status, one of: \\ DS_APP_UNKNOWN \\ DS_APP_ERROR \\ DS_APP_WARNING \\ DS_APP_OK \\ DS_APP_OK1 \\ DS_APP_OK2 \\ DS_APP_OK3 \\ DS_APP_OK4 |
| ''signal'' | Integer value, -127 to 127, typically signal strength where applicable |
| ''voltage'' | Voltage (if applicable) in mV (max 65V) |
Only the first parameter, deviceno, is required. All other parameters are optional. Use _ (underscore) to skip parameters (eg ''UpdateDeviceStatus( 3, DS_COM_OK, _, DS_APP_OK );'' will set Comm and App status only on device 3)
=== Return value ===
This function does not return a value.
=== Example usage ===
// Indicate normal condition
UpdateDeviceStatus( 3, DS_COM_OK, DS_OP_FULL, DS_APP_OK );
// Indicate marginal communication condition
// Indicate application status
new batteryVoltage = 12345; // read the battery voltage from the device
UpdateDeviceStatus( 3, _, _, DS_APP_OK, _, batteryVoltage );