===== Device Status ====== ==== ds( deviceno, subject ) ==== Return the current status of a device. === Description === ds( deviceno, subject ) This function returns the current status of a device or the aggregate status of all devices. === Parameters === | ''deviceno'' | Device number (1 - 40). If 0 (zero), the function returns the aggregate status of ALL devices.| | ''subject'' | Subject to request (see below) | ^ Subject ^ Description ^ | DVCSTAT_BATTVOLT | Battery/supply voltage in mV | | DVCSTAT_SIGNAL | Signal level, typically 0-100% | | DVCSTAT_COMMCOUNT | Comm count, typically count of valid messages | | DVCSTAT_COMMERR | Comm error count, typically number of failed communication attempts | | DVCSTAT_LASTCOMM | Last comm, EPOCH timestamp of last successful communication | | DVCSTAT_COMMSTAT | Device communication status (0-7, where 0=unknown, 1=error, 2,3,4=warning, 5,6,7=ideal) | | DVCSTAT_OPSTAT | Device operational status (0-3, where 0=unknown, 1=error, 2=warning, 3=nominal) | | DVCSTAT_APPSTAT | Device application status (0-7, where 0=unknown, 1=error, 2,3,4=warning, 5,6,7=nominal) | | DVCSTAT_STAT | Aggregated status (0-3, 0=unknown, 1=error, 2=warning, 3=ok) | === Return value === Returns the current status value of the subject requested. === Example usage === ds(2, DVCSTAT_COMMERR) Returns the communication error count from device 2.