===== Drivers =====
The "Device" page is where most links to hardware and data sources are created. This is done through the addition of drivers. Drivers are application programs that (in most cases) establish a communication link to hardware and provide an eze.io interface. This is similar to drivers, programs and apps that you would load on your phone, tablet or personal computer. For some such as "GPS receiver GN-803G" or the Expansion CAN port activation" adding and saving changes is all that is required. Other driver's settings will range in complexity based on the requirements of the device or the level of customization provided by the driver.
{{ :ezeio2:deviceconfigscreen.png?400}}
=== Adding a device ===
To add a device, please follow these steps:
- (From the Configure screen) select the "Devices" tab
- At the bottom of the left panel click the Add Device button (This will bring up a list of available device drivers)
- Select the appropriate driver and click Add Driver
Most drivers have some settings that needs to be properly set before the driver can be functional. For example, all Modbus RTU devices require a device address to be set.
Make your selections for the new driver and click Save Changes.
Finally, enable your new driver by checking the Active box, and then save your changes again.
The driver will now start working, and you should see values populate in the "Available register" list.
Select the register values that you want to show as fields by checking the corresponding checkboxes, and click Add selected to Fields. This will create new Fields, complete with "Data expression" and some default settings.
=== The following packages are available: ===
^ SKU ^ Package name ^ Purpose ^
| | [[#basic_services|Basic services]] | Included with basic service subscription |
| SU2200 | [[#su2200|I/O expansion]] | I/O expansion devices |
| SU2201 | [[#su2201|Meters]] | Energy and flow meters |
| SU2202 | [[#su2202|Sensors]] | Sensors |
| SU2203 | [[#su2203|Temperature control]] | Temperature control applications, thermostats |
| SU2204 | [[#su2204|Light duty electrical]] | Light duty electrical control applications |
| SU2205 | [[#su2205|Heavy duty electrical]] | Heavy duty electrical control applications |
| SU2206 | [[#su2206|Engine control]] | Engine control applications |
==== Detailed content of each package ====
=== Basic services ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=71");
== SU2200 ==
=== Drivers I/O ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=117");
== SU2201 ==
=== Drivers Meters ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=118");
== SU2202 ==
=== Drivers Sensors ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=119");
== SU2203 ==
=== Drivers Temperature control ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=120");
== SU2204 ==
=== Drivers Light duty electrical ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=121");
== SU2205 ==
=== Drivers Heavy duty electrical ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=122");
== SU2206 ==
=== Engine control ===
print file_get_contents("https://adm.eze.io/docuwiki.php?cmd=drvpkg&pkg=123");