==== status ==== Retrieve the most recent known status of an ezeio. === Description === https://api.eze.io/v1/status/{serial}/[sections=X,Y]/[fields=X,Y] This will retrieve the most recently reported status of the given controller. Note that the information is taken from the servers most recent status. This message does not generate traffic to the actual controller. Thus, it is normal that this status can be up to 10 minutes old. === Parameters === | ''serial'' | ezeio serial number (XYZ123) | | ''sections'' (optional) | Limit the reply to certain sections. Default is "meta, adc, out, pos, fields, fieldmeta". | | ''fields'' (optional) | Limit the reply to certain fields. Default is to receive all fields. | Available sections are: | ''meta'' | ezeio metadata | | ''adc'' | status of on-board inputs | | ''out'' | status of on-board outputs | | ''pos'' | GPS/position data | | ''fields'' | field values | | ''fieldmeta'' | include field metadata with each field record | | ''device'' | device metadata and status | | ''alarms'' | alarm status (if available) | === Example usage === Fetch default status record from serial XYZ123 https://api.eze.io/v1/status/XYZ123 Fetch only field values and position from serial XYZ123 https://api.eze.io/v1/status/XYZ123/sections=fields,pos === Return value === JSON formatted data //(below example has added whitespaces for readability)// { "reqtime":"2019-06-16T19:29:38Z", "time":"2019-06-16T19:20:00Z", "meta":{ "serial":"XYZ-123", "groupid":"8", "accountgroupid":null, "name":"Test unit in lab", "note":"Here is a note", "tzofs":"0", "link":"Cell", "RSSI":-87, "sim_iccid":"89148000003622803539" }, "adc":{ "1":0, "2":2, "3":0, "4":4, "5":2, "6":2, "7":0, "8":29963, "Vin":12282, "Vbat":12144, "V5":5109 }, "out":{ "1":0, "2":0, "3":0, "4":0 }, "pos":{ "x":38677889, "y":-121174896, "z":0, "signal":-1 }, "fields":{ "1":{ "name":"Uptime", "unit":"s", "assettag":"uptime", "value":1101238 }, "2":{ "name":"Temp (C)", "unit":"°C", "assettag":"temp", "value":26.48 }, "3":{ "name":"Temp (F)", "unit":"°F", "assettag":"", "value":79.664001 } }, "status":"OK", "exec_time":0.048024892807006836 }