==== eventlog ==== Return data from the event log === Description === https://api.eze.io/v1/eventlog/{serial}/from={datetime}/[to={datetime}] === Parameters === | ''serial'' | The serial number of the ezeio (XYZ987) | | ''from=datetime'' | The beginning of the range. Format per RFC3339, or 1m/1h/1d | | ''to=datetime'' | The end of the range. Format per RFC3339. If omitted, current time is assumed. | The ''from'' parameter can be given as number of minutes/hours/days relative to current time. For example ''from=90m'' means "90 minutes ago". Under no circumstances will the call return more than 300 rows of data. === Example usage === https://api.eze.io/v1/eventlog/XYZ987/from=2017-03-01/to=2017-03-15 === Return value === JSON formatted data including the event specifics as well as a snapshot of all field values at the time of the event. //(below examples have whitespaces added for readability)// Example query: https://api.eze.io/v1/eventlog/baa157/from=2019-02-01/to=2019-03-01 { "reqtime":"2019-10-28T20:58:06Z", "reqfrom":"2019-10-20T00:00:00Z", "reqto":"2020-01-18T00:00:00Z", "events":[ { "time":"2019-10-28T20:48:17Z", "eventid":72857, "type":"ALARM", "source":"SCRIPT", "sourcename":"USER", "actionname":"My homemade script", "param1":"111.000000", "param2":"222.000000", "param3":"333.000000", "param4":"444.000000", "message":"The text sent from the script call", "meta":{ "serial":"BAA-144", "group":102, "accountgroupid":2, "uptime":544, "name":"Test board 144", "tzofs":"-420" }, "adc":{ "1":4, "2":2, "3":2, "4":2, "5":2, "6":4, "7":1554, "8":29665, "Vin":12350, "Vbat":12172, "V5":5054 }, "out":{ "1":0, "2":100, "3":100, "4":47 }, "pos":{ "x":0, "y":0, "z":0, "signal":0 }, "fields":{ "1":{ "name":"Humidity", "unit":"%", "assettag":"", "value":"38.4" }, "2":{ "name":"Temperature", "unit":"°F", "assettag":"temp", "value":"82.45" } } ], "status":"OK", "exec_time":0.025 }